This seemed impossible at the time. I was living in Moon Apartments with Tiffany, Pam and Marici. We were attending our second year of University and were happy to be back together and out of the dorms. After spending the summer waitressing two jobs, I had saved a down payment, secured a loan and was now driving a red Pontiac Sundance. As exciting November 9, 1989 was I didn’t realize how unlikely it really was.
A few petty unintentional but fateful steps…
- A press release surprised even the releaser of the information.
- Erroneous information was given that sent the public to seek authorization to cross at night instead of during working hours when staff was numbered and available.
- The news reported gates being open when they were not.
- Border guards did not receive preparatory instruction from superiors.
- Border guards petitioned superior leadership for direction but felt ignored and insulted.
- Border guards felt the growing size of the crowd was unpredictable and dangerous.
- Direction was given to only let the “loud troublemakers” cross to West Berlin so…everyone became loud.
- Direction was given to only let the crossing be one way, East to West. Some East Berlin parents had left children sleeping at home, in the East, while they ventured to the West. When they attempted to re-enter East Berlin they were told no but after sharing their plight they were allowed making it easier for a leading official to disregard other directions for the situation..
- A leading official was expecting to receive a cancer diagnosis the following day. He opened the gates without instruction. He lived free of cancer and political/military discipline. Neither were ever given.
There are a few too many coincidences in this story for me not to agree with Thomas Monson’s statement to Joseph Wirthlin,
“There is a guiding hand above all things. Often when things happen, it’s not by accident. One day, when we look back at the seeming coincidences of our lives, we will realize that perhaps they weren’t so coincidental after all.”
1.Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 9; Liahona, May 2001, 38; taken from a talk given by Elder Wirthlin at a Church Educational System fireside at Brigham Young University, Nov. 7, 1999.